This school was started on 5th of March 1936 in the field of Kahatagaswaththa in the vilage of Ihala Biyanwila in clay thatched building by the respeted Meegoda Pemananda Thero.Mr. V.C. Mayadunna was first principal.This school was assigned to the government on 01st January 1940 and was named as a Maha Vidyalaya by its founder, respected Pemananda thero
Year of Inception
05th March 1936
The number of teachers it had initially
03 |
The first number of students who attended the school
10 |
First teacher's name
V.C. Mayadunne |
Number of original buildings of the school
01 |
School Name |
Sri Pemananda Maha Vidyalaya |
Date of handover of school to Govt
01st January , 1940 |