Sri Pemananda Maha Vidyalaya

Counselling Program for G.C.E. O/L Students

notice for grade 5 students

  • Every student's morning Must come to school before 7.15 am. Before 7.30 class rooms and allocated areas should be cleaned and finished. In this regard, the class teacher and the relevant student leaders should take responsibility. A.M. without permission Entry to school before 6.45 is strictly prohibited.As soon as the school bell rings, all children should arrive at the designated places where the teacher-teacher meetings are held.
  • Students, teachers, non-academic staff and all those in the school should refrain from their roles and participate respectfully and actively when the school song is played in the morning and the national song is played and in the afternoon when the stanzas of Chhatthamanawaka are played.
  • All students must remain in their classroom until the end of school and must not remain in another class's playground or other location for any reason. Permission must be obtained if going to another classroom for necessity.
    At the end of each period, prepare for the next subject in silence until the designated teacher arrives. If the concerned teacher does not come within 10 minutes, the class leader or subject leader should ask the paralytic teacher.
  • For group subjects, when going to another place and coming back to the class, you have to go in line. A list of the students related to each subject should be maintained by the subject teacher and sent to the class teacher by the subject leader/leader noting the attendance/absence. If you are going to leave for group subjects in the last period, you should leave the school after singing the verses from those places.
  • Any problems that arise for the children should be reported to the class teacher first. Only in the absence of the respective teacher, the department head or subject teacher should be notified.
  • The class teacher should use a previous wrong book for his students. In cases where more than three mistakes are recorded, the paralytic should be referred to the teacher. At the end of the year, the book should be handed over to the next class teacher. The book will be checked while issuing certificates.
  • Intercourse with any outsider is prohibited during school hours.
  • It is strictly prohibited to bring and keep any newspaper photos, articles, mobile phones, compact discs and other equipment that are not related to the school education process. If caught with such items, they will not be returned until officially dismissed from school.
    It is not allowed to participate in any sports training activities without permission during the school academic period.
  • School and classroom equipment should be protected. Idal brooms etc. should be brought and kept at a relevant place after cleaning. It is the responsibility of the head teacher and the respective student leaders to find out about this. If a child does not come to school for more than two days, the parents should inform the head teacher. If absent for more than three days, the guardians should come to the school and hand over to the class teacher.
  • Any event attended on behalf of the school must be attended in school uniform and must behave in a manner that upholds the honor of the school.